Thursday, 20 September 2012


This will be my first bilingual! Many people have informed me that my blog gets "lost in translation" through Google translate, so I ought to do it personally! 

Next week will be a busy one leading up to traveling down at god knows when in the morning to Malvern to stage my exhibits. I'm quite hopeful of staging in quite a few classes including 4 classes of potatoes, although they have not reached the quality I achieved last year but we live in hope that every one else is in the same boat!

 Dwi'n teimlo reit nerfus yn barod wrth edrych ymlaen at y sioe fawr yn Malvern wythnos i ddydd Sadwrn. Er fod safon fy llysiau yn is na llynedd dwi jest yn gobeithio fod pawb arall yn yr un gwch! Dwi wedi storio fy nhatws mewn mawn sych ers ta 4 wythnos felly dwi jest yn gobeitho fod safon y croen heb ddirywio ar ol cyn hired o amser ers eu codi.

One class I'm very keen to have a go at is 3 cauliflowers. My father used to be quite an expert at growing them, but timing them to mature at the right time is easier said than done. The cultivar that I've grown this year is Cornell and last year it took between 15 and 16 weeks from sowing to maturity, but this year they have taken nearly 18 weeks! Despite this I'm hopeful of tabling a set as I have 5 which have started to develop a flower head last weekend. I've given them a high potash feed to help them develop a good solid curd but as a reserve I've all ready cut 4, although on the small side are a good even set. 

I've wrapped them in cling film and foil to keep them from any light and put them in the fridge, hopefully they will keep in good shape for Malvern as a spare set in case the others dont make it.

Dwi wedi codi 4 blodfresych yn barod gan eu storio nhw yn yr oergell ar ol eu gorchuddio mewn cling film a foil. Mae hyn yn atal unrhyw olau andwyo lliw y blodyn ac felly yn eu cadw yn glaer wyn, y gobaith ydi eu cadw mewn cyflwr ffres tan y sioe yn Malvern. Gobeithio na fydd raid imi eu defnyddio oherwydd ma genai 5 dal yn tyfu yn y gwlau ac wedi cychwyn ffurfio blodyn penwythnos diwethaf felly maent wedi cael eu dyfrio hefo lefel uchel o potash yn y dwr er mwyn sicrhau fod y planhigyn yn fffurfio pen mawr a chaled.

I've had the best crop ever of tomatoes this year after suffering from botritis for the last few years. I've grown a new veriety this year called Zenith, and I'm very happy with it's vigour as I've been able to train it across the roof and get about 12 trusses to each plant. The problem is getting enough fruits as I need 12 for the National from 7 plants, I may well start to hang a few ripe bananas under the this weekend to speed up the ripening process.

Rhain ydi'r tomatos gorau imi eu tyfu ar ol blynyddoedd o fethiant oherwydd afiechyd. Dwi'n gobeithio  cael 12 ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth yn Malvern ond bydd hi'n anodd oherwydd dim ond 7 planhigyn sydd genai felly bydd rhaid imi glymu hen fananas o dan y tomatos gwyrdd penwythnos 'ma er mwyn cyflymu y broses o gochi.

Another class I'm hoping to enter is with stump carrots. I have a bed of 60 Sweet Candle growing in the polytunnel and are hopefull of getting a set of 5. They will have had 22 weeks by next friday so hopefully the stump end will have formed.

 Dyma gwely y moron byr yn y twnel sydd wedi bod yn tyfu ers bron i 22 wythnos erbyn hyn felly gobeithio fod y 'stump end' wedi ffurfio! Bydd rhaid trio cael set o 5 allan o 60 o'r gwely hwn, rhywbeth sy'n swnion hawdd ar bapur ond fydd yn anodd iawn man siwr braidd.