Blwyddyn arall o'm blaenau a dwi methu aros i gael cychwyn arni ar ol dau fis o seibiant o'r ardd. Dros y gaeaf dwi wedi bod yn brysur yn gwneud planiau am y flwyddyn sydd i ddod ond hefyd am 2014! Y peth mwyaf dwi wedi ei wneud dros y gaeaf ydi prynu twnel arall, yr unig beth ydi bod rhaid iddo fynd ar dir fy Nhad yng Nghyfraith gan ei fod rhy fawr i'r ardd (i ddweud y gwir fe fyddai yn gorchuddio'r ardd gefn yn gyfan gwbl!). Fy mwriad ydi ei godi yn y gwanwyn ai baratoi yn barod i dymor 2014 gan symud y mwyafrif o'r llysiau arddangos iddo er mwyn cael tyfu mwy o lysiau i'r gegin yn yr ardd gefn.
Another growing year in front of us and I cant wait to get started on the plot. I haven't done much over the winter period because of the wet weather but I've been busy planning this year and the next in my diary. The main thing I've been able to do is buy myself another polytunnel, the only thing is it will have to be erected on my Father in Law's land because it's too big for our back garden (truthfully it would cover the entire garden!). My intension is to erect it in the spring and have all year to prepare it for the 2014 season. I hope to move most of the exhibition veg to this tunnel and concentrate on growing veg for the kitchen in the back garden.
Dwi wedi plannu rhai llysiau yn barod gan gynnwys 20 o shallots Jermor, tydi rhain ddim y rhai gorau i arddangos ond maen't i fod yn ardderchog i gogino, er dwi'n gobeithio cael set ar gyfer fy sioeau lleol. Wnes i eu cychwyn mewn potiau 5" mewn cymysgedd o Levinton M2, pridd o'r ardd hefo ychydig o Nutrimate Powder. Yn ogystal i hyn wnes i ddefnyddio rhywbeth newydd mae nifer o arddangoswyr wedi cychwyn ei ddefnyddio sef Root+. Fwngi ydi mewn gwirionedd sydd yn iachusol iawn i dyfiant y gwreiddiau. Maen't yn y twnel ar hyn o bryd, dyle rhywfaint o nosweithiau rhewllyd wneud dim drwg iddynt ond mi wnai ei gorchuddio hefo fleece os edi hi'n gaddoi'n oer iawn.
I've already started planting a few things including 20 Jermor shallots, these are not the best for exhibition but are thought to be one of the best for the kitchen, although I'm hoping to have a set for my local shows. I potted them up in 5" pots in a mixture of Levington M2, top soil from the garden which I added a sprinkling of Nutrimate Powder. One other ingredient I added was Root+ which is a fungi that promotes a secondary root system, many top growers are testing its capabilities at the moment so I thought I'd give it a try. At the moment they are sitting in the tunnel and should be able to take a bit of frosty nights no problem but I will cover them with fleece if the forecast is very cold.
Mae'r ty gwydyr yn cael ei gadw ar dymheredd o 10C bellach gan fy mod wedi plannu 80 o hadau nionod Toughball. Eto eleni dwi wedi creu partisiwn er mwyn cwtogi ar gostau trydan yn ogystal a insiwleiddio'r ochrau hefo bubble wrap. Eleni daeth y hadau heb orchudd gwyrdd oherwydd fod nifer yn cwyno fod egino'r hadau yn anoddach oherwydd y gorchudd. Wnes i fy hun rioed gael trafferth, dwi jest yn gobeithio wnaiff rhain egino yr un mor lwyddiannus ac arfer!
The heat is finally on in the greenhouse as I have already planted 80 Toughball onion seeds. Again this year i have erected a partition and insulated the sides with bubble wrap to minimise the cost of electricity. This year after complaints the seed came with out the usual green covering as many had found it difficult to germinate the seed. Luckily I had not had the problem, I just hope they will germinate as well as usual!
Un arbrawf dwi am drio eleni ydi trio tyfu moron hir, Betys hir a panas hir mewn 'wheely bins'! Dwi wedi cychwyn llenwi rhai hefo tywod ond dwi am drio rhai yn llawn o gompost hefyd. Mi fydd hi'n ddiddorol gweld y canlyniadau.
One experiment I'm going to try this year is try to grow long carrots, long beetroot and parsnips in 'wheely bins'! I've alreadt started to fill a few with sand but I'm going to try a few filled with only compost to see how they turn out, it should be interesting.
Rhywbeth newydd arall dwi am drio eleni ydi tyfu cabej enfawr ar gyfer sioe Cerrig, felly dwi wedi plannr hadau yn barod yn y ty gwydyr gan obeithio cael llysieuyn go enfawr erbyn mis Medi!
Another first for me is that I'm going to attempt to grow a Giant Cabbage for my local show, so I have set the seed down already in the greenhouse therefore giving it plenty of time by the beginning of September!
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